I'm satisfied with d design...ada element2 princess hehe. lepas ni boleh la order lagi... thanks to Ellie from d heart cup cakes!

2-tier cake stand ni baru jek beli & dirasmikan...lepas habis guna, the pemegang gold tu terpatah dikerjakan AFIQ, my first nephew (bukan budak kecik die ni, dah ader misai dah budak ni!!! sabar jekkk la!!!!)

Sempat amek gamba kenangan sblm cake stand patah...huhuhuu

hoiii sapenye birthday ni...hamka as usual nyibuks...dekat 6-7 round la dia tiup lilin kitaorg main2 nyalakan balik hehehe just for the FUN of it.

myself, with the girl who's getting her MyKad as soon as her father can find the time haha.... and officially has to pay for adult's price to any show or occasion from now on...happy 12th birthday again Adekkk....jangan gatei2............ekekekekeke
oh yes, credits to Shahrul (walaupun dah tido) sebab pinjamkan lokasi ini hehe and thanks to kak zie yg sporting skali layan we all dtg kul 11 mlm semata2 nak ajak Hamka main tiup lilin...haha and thanks to MILO sbb jadik sponsor minuman rasmi ekekke
Wah! siap ada stand lagi.. Kelas la dpt auntie camni.. ehehehhe.. Thanks Suhaila! Nice meeting you..
hehe nice knwing u too babe.
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